Community Development Network aims at engaging communities in digital learning and providing them with direct experience using information and communication technology. Our aim is creating a generation which understands and uses computing concepts and resources in their everyday lives hence bridging the gap in the digital divide which in lacking in most rural areas in Cameroon. The training will be in any of the following areas: Internet Orientation (Teaching students how to register on social networks, research etc.), Ms. Word, Ms. Excel (spread sheet), Ms. Access, Ms. Power Point, WordPress, Publisher, Adobe Page maker, Coral Draw, Adobe Photo shop, typing.
The purpose of the digital outreach Project in addressing this imbalance is to provide basic computer literacy classes and also establishing community e-learning centers which provide learners with the skills they need and empower these communities. This project will improve the literacy skills and the academic achievement of learners whilst promoting the chances for further studies amongst learners through open access to technology and resources, hence reducing poverty, increasing employability and building the self confidence levels of participants.
We also aims at working with local organizations in establishing Community Digital Learning Centers in rural communities specializing in the use of Information and Communication Technology to support education of youths and willing adults. Creating sustainable and effective uses of technology integrated into local communities that is relevant to educational enrichment, intellectual development and reduce poverty, crime and illiteracy.